Katia Le Pennec
Energy Therapist Reiki
CONSULTATION Diet / Naturopathy
Remote / In-office
60 € / 1 hour
Dietetics / Naturopathy + Energy care
Remote / In-Office
75 € / 1 H30
Energetic / Reiki SESSION
From a distance
€40 / 45 mins
In the office
60 € / 60 MIN
If you make an appointment via the online agenda, choose the reason for consultation that best suits your request, and we will take stock together during the consultation. The session is always adapted to your request.
Repayment :My consultations are not covered by social security and mutual insurance.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
DUT in Dietetics with mention at the IUT of Nancy – 1998
University Diploma in Nutrition and Physical and Sports Activities _ Paris Descartes University _ (2018).
University Diploma in Dietetics and Physionutrition _ UFR of Pharmacy University of Grenoble _ (2019)
Certificate in Therapeutic Patient Education – CRES Marseille 2011
Graduated in Aromatherapy from the Lyonnaise School of Medicinal Plants and Natural Knowledge _ (2021)
University Diploma in Phyto-Aromatherapy - Faculty of Medicine of Nice _ (2022)
Certification 1st degree of Reiki Usui (April 2016)
2nd degree certification of Reiki Usui (October 2016),
Certification Master Practitioner 3rd degree of Reiki Usui (October 2018)
Naturopathy trainingin progress 2022
Service provider for an enteral nutrition company - VITAL'AIR - 2001.
Liberal – Cabinet opened in 2002 in NANCY.
Facilitator of dietary workshops and conferences – Nancy Diabetes House 2004 / 2008.
Nutritional follow-up obesity surgery – Polyclinic collaboration of Nancy – 2003 / 2008.
Nutritional monitoring of overweight children within the AVPN association of Epinal – 2004 / 2008.
Trainer with medical and nursing teams for the LILLY laboratory – 2007 / 2008.
Consultant to members – Mutual Harmony – 2004 / 2014.
Transfer of activity to the PACA region – Draguignan Dietetics Cabinet 2009 to 2016
Nutritional support in the context of obesity surgery – Obesity Center of Draguignan (2010 to 2017).
Secondary cabinet at SAINT RAPHAËL 2012.
Transfer of activity to the FRÉJUS firm since 2016.